Parker J Photo’s 2013 Workshop

So this week my amazing bosses, Parker and Melissa Pfister, put on one of their renown photography workshops! I was lucky enough to be able to help and attend, which was something I never in a million years thought I would be invited to do! These workshops host the cream of the crop of wedding and portrait photographers who are looking to shake things up with their work and find a new access to their creativity. I haven’t been very confident about my work recently, hence a lack of posts, but participating in these challenges showed me how failing is not the worst thing in the world, and that if you push yourself and your work, you can create something truly beautiful. Meeting all of these crazy talented photographers from across the country and the world has been the most inspiring and uplifting encounter I have experienced to date. I just want to thank all of the participants for being so encouraging to someone who is just starting out and showing me the kindness I really needed to put myself and my work out there! I also want to thank the models and hair and makeup for their beautiful work and being the sweetest crew in the world! I love all of you and I will carry our experience with me always! Here are a few of mine from this week: